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When the legal system goes wrong: Top gear sued over ‘mexican’ insults

KitGuru reports often on legal action cases, often with a little bewilderment. Today we have heard that a Mexican woman has instructed lawyers to take legal action against the BBC's flagship motoring show Top Gear.

For those of you in dear old blighty, you may have seen Jeremy Clarkson and James May having a laugh at a Mexican sports car last Sunday, with May comparing the car to a “a lazy, feckless and flatulent oaf with a mustache, leaning against a fence asleep, looking at a cactus with a blanket with a hole in the middle on as a coat”.

30 Year old Jewellery design student Iris De La Torre has joined the hordes of people making complaints to the BBC, however she says it was “offensive, xenophobic and humiliating”. Top Gear has always been politically incorrect, and that is part of the charm, and hardly to be taken seriously.

The Top Gear Crew: Politically incorrect and proud of it.

She says “I was shocked at what the BBC allowed to be broadcast. I do not understand how such ignorant people hold such high-profile jobs.” Oh deary me.

The BBC said it hasn't received the legal letter but it would handle the case through the appropriate channels when it appears. If this case goes to court, it could be the first to be heard under the new Equality Act, which was initiated last September. The damage to the BBC could be around £1 million, which means that Clarkson might not be getting his bonus next year.

KitGuru says: While the commentary sounds offensive, Top Gear has been known to tread the line, with its tongue firmly in cheek. Should people be so sensitive?

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  1. Wonder will she appear in court wearing a blanket? :p

  2. I swear half the problems we have are due to people being so sensitive.

  3. Clarkson should invite Iris over to chew on his chimmichanga, you know, as a peace offering

  4. Under a student visa – remove it – goodbye

  5. this is not about being sensitive to Clarkson’s jokes and stereotyping. His insulting an entire group of people he knows nothing of from experience. If this would of been a similar comment towards black people then everyone would be shouting RACIST back in England, but since it’s a remark towards an ethnic group that’s not so socially popular or accepted then were just being overly sensitive.

  6. @CupCakeBoy: We’re a bunch of small-minded shop keepers with a superiority complex that dates back to the time when this country stood for something. Now the only standing you get is 4 road workers watching 1 bloke doing the digging, while they all wear football shirts that struggle to cover their man boobs cos they are 2 sizes too small from eating all the pies.

    Man, I feel bad that I have insulted the Brits. I must be a racist. Shall I prepare for the backlash and indictment papers from the high court ?

  7. This is the first time i have heard of the lawsuit,I am hispanic and i love the show,very entertaining.There are too many sensitive people out there,looking for an excuse to file a lawsuit just because they get their feelings hurt,just get over it.That comment the gentlemen made about Mexicans does not bother me and i will continue to watch the show.