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Absent Steve Jobs masterminding new iPad and upcoming iPhone

Steve Jobs health forced him to leave Apple for an indeterminate length of time. However at he rests at home, he is closely involved in the upcoming iPad and the new version of the iPhone.

Apple have made a statement, when Jobs left saying that he would still be involved in the companies strategic decisions and product development. He is apparently holding business meetings at his home and on the phone. He has also made appearances at the Cupertino Calif campus and around Palo Alto California with a company executive in tow.

The Wall Street Journal had reported that Jobs continues to work on ‘the next version of the iPad tablet computer, expected out in the next couple of months, and a new iPhone, expected to be released this summer'.

Steve Jobs, losing weight over the years due to health reasons

Stand in CEO and company COO Tim Cook doesn't appear to have been making any changes while Jobs is absent. Those who have seen the dynamic leader recently have said he still looks gaunt and rather ill but that Apple and Jobs ‘appear to be going about things in much the same way as they did during his previous medical leave, at the time of his transplant.'

Before Jobs took the medical leave, he was apparently only coming into the office for two days a week and that he was suffering from immune system issues which are commonplace with people who have received liver transplants.

Apple application developers are wondering if Jobs will come back to give the keynote speech at WWDC.

KitGuru says: Many feel that Apple's future is not so positive without Steve Jobs in the leadership role, but Tim Cook has a proven track record, even if he hasn't been truly given the opportunity to do so at Apple yet.

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  1. He really does sound like a power freak. Obviously he is a bit of a genius too, but why appoint someone acting CEO then work from home, come into the office regularly and hold meetings on products from the home?

  2. To funny the way everyone makes it sound is like he is the only one that works there & it is only him that has all these ideas. I am sure that all of the other apple people that work for Apple just sit around & play cards or surf facebook all day. Wait will facebook even work on Apple don’t it need flash to actually work properly.

    My point is I am sure Steve has some ideas but lets be real for a second this man is not the holy grail of ideas he has people that work under him that come up with these ideas & it seems he is the one that takes all of the credit for other peoples ideas. Oh wait I guess thats no different than what has gone on for years now when they take other companies ideas & put a shiny logo on it & call it a magical new idea. Tablet comes to mind here as well as many others that Apple claimed as their own. just saying.