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Bank Of America next for DDOS attack?

The Bank Of America may very well be making the shortlist for a new raft of DDOS attacks as it has been announced that they have stopped their payment handling for the Wikileaks website.

The Bank Of America have said “Wikileaks may be engaged in activities that are… inconsistent with our internal policies for processing payments”.

Wikileaks are not letting this slide however and on their Twitter page they announced to their followers “all people who love freedom close out their accounts at Bank of America”.

Wikileaks have also said that they are going to release some documentation that will point to ‘unethicial practices' at some US banks. No details have yet pointed to The Bank Of America as one of suspects, however rumours are circulating in certain circles that they may be involved on some level.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been freed on bail in the UK while he faces extradition proceedings to Sweden over sexual assault allegations. Assange has said that these claims are unfounded and part of a ‘smear' campaign. His concerns however would be an extradition to the United States as he has said that Washington are conducting an ‘aggressive' and ‘illegal' investigation into him and his website.

North Carolina based Bank Of America issued the following statement to the press ” we will not process transactions of any type that we have reason to believe are intended for Wikileaks”. No more details are available at this time.

KitGuru says: Wikileaks is constantly in the news lately but we wonder how this is going to play out for Julian Assange.

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  1. Assange is surely being set up for something major. He is pissing too many big players off to escape this unmarked.

  2. Interesting… I never really believed the “conspiracy theories” but this (censored) storm is smelling very bad…
    there is a saying: where is smoke, there is a fire…

  3. Certainly is weakening the USA’s influence at the diplomatic table. With all this mess going on the US cant possibly keep its posture as water tight as it would like.

    Its just a big embarrassment and i think a few people in the EU will be smiling.

  4. Its getting crazy, I have seen lots of sites go down to these ddos attacks, You dont even have to be attacked directly to feel the effects, My latest client came to me because someone else their webhost is hosting got ddosed, and it took every site offline that webhosts had been hosting. I have some info and services that can help protect against ddos attacks and mitigate them down to nothing. I have it outlined in my FAQ: http://bit.ly/gx8WzL I have a live chat as well so you can pick my brain