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Sony PSN network back up and running, but is it secure now?

The Playstation Network is back up and running for most people and Sony Executives are now deciding that it is a good time to talk about the security hack and the ramifications.

Chairman and CEO Howard Stringer and Executive Deputy President Kazuo Hirai had a call with some media representatives and they said that they still don't know who did the system wide intrusion several weeks ago. Clearly the culprit is extremely skilled, enough to cover their tracks.

Stringer said that any companies security network is vulnerable. “Nobody's system is 100 percent secure, this is a hiccup in the road to a network future.” Potentially losing the records of 100 million people seems a little more than a ‘hiccup' to us, but we would expect him to try and spin it.

Howard Stringer: only a 'hiccup'

Stringer also said that it is difficult for a company to keep ahead of the skilled hackers roaming the net. He called it an “escalating competition between good and bad.”

When he was pressured into commenting about how long it took Sony to inform the public of the system wide breach he said “There is no precedent for this in people's experience…Most reports now seem to indicate that we acted very quickly and very responsibly.”

Sony are scrambling to repair relationships with their customers and to ensure that people who have remained with the company are happy to do do. They are offering free games, and some free premium Playstation or Qriocity service depending on the users current subscription status. There is more on this over here. Many say they haven't done enough.

KitGuru says: Are you back and feeling safe with the Playstation Network?

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One comment

  1. nothing is ever secure. they will get hacked again if the right people want it to happen. hopefully they keep their egos in check this time.