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Hacker pleads guilty to $36M credit card theft

Credit card hacker Rogelio Hackett Jr has pleaded guilty to a nine year long computer hacking operation that has generated tens of millions in fraudulent credit card charges.

Hackett, a 26 year old who lives in Georgia, USA pleaded guilty in a Virginia federal court on Thursday, and according to prosecutors he has been trafficking in stolen credit card information since 2002.

Authorities found 675,000 stolen credit card numbers on his home computers during a 2009 search of his residence. He sold much of the credit card information he gained from hacking to others, according to court documents.

Accounts breached by Hackett have been identified by credit card companies as generating more than $36 million in fraudulent charges. Hackett began his career in cybercrime by hacking into business computer networks and accessing credit card databases but he was also known to purchase account information from other cybercriminals.

KitGuru says: Hackett, the Hacker. We refrained from jokes. He faces a maximum of 12 years in prison and is due to be sentenced in July.

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  1. damn thats a lot of dosh to have ripped off. I would say they will come down hard on him.

  2. Either that or visa will hire him.