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Apple offer £100 refund to iPad customers

Anyone who reads KitGuru regularly will have been aware months ago that Apple were releasing the iPad2 early this year. Well unfortunately some of the public haven't been aware and have been buying the iPad, only to find out that their shiny new device will be replaced in a few weeks time. Apple are offering a refund to those unhappy customers.

If you bought an iPad in the last 14 days, Apple will be refunding the £100 difference between the price before the announcement yesterday and today's new bargain clearing price.

The iPad 2 will be available in the USA on March 11th, and only two weeks later in the UK on March 25th. American Ebay touts will be gutted to hear that they won't be able to fleece the UK public, yet again. If you want to pick an iPad2 up as soon as possible, then head over here and let Apple know.

KitGuru says: iPad 2 fever hitting you? Are you upgrading your iPad?

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  1. Fair play to them offering a refund, wasn’t expecting that.

  2. I cant believe people are paying full price for the ipad, does no one read the news? anywhere?