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Sony shares fall to two year low – hacks take their toll

Sony are a company under attack. For the last 6 weeks their various networks and websites have been compromised by several groups of hackers intent on causing the company long term damage. Sadly for the Japanese electronic giant, all of the attacks are having a very negative impact on their share price.

Today, their share price fell more than three percent to a two year low thanks to the latest online attack from Lulzsec. Sony Shares in Tokyo lost 3.14 percent, closing at 2,062 yen, the lowest since March 2009.

Sony spokesperson Mami Imada said “It is true that the website was illegally accessed. But all the data that the hacker seems to have copied was information already available on the company website.”

London based headquarters of Sony Europe spotted an attack on Saturday morning in which personal information about the firms certified trainers for professional broadcasting equipment was targeted. This latest attack was not to steal the information, but to show how weak Sony security is, as they used an illegal path to access it.

Sony have been at the center of a series of attacks in recent weeks, which has affected more than 100 million customers. They also issued an apology on Saturday regarding a recent data breach on US based Sony Pictures Entertainment involving more than one million accounts. Email addresses and other information was stolen.

Kitguru says: Every time Sony seem to recover, another attack knocks them back down.

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  1. The PSN has been slow as hell since it came back up too 🙁

  2. Risking asking the obvious, are these continuous attacks really just to show how weak Sony Security really is? I mean why keep bothering? They obviously don’t seem to be interested in improving it much.

  3. After CCP Announced Dust 514 went PSN exclusive… no sympathy.

    Rot in hell Sony.. Rot in hell!