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Royal Wedding: 6.8 million people comment on FaceBook

The world used the web to watch the Royal Wedding last week and Facebook have reported that more than 10 million comments were posted about the event during a single 24 hour period.

The royal wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana was a huge media event across the globe, but this was before the Internet was firmly seen as the media of choice. The Royal wedding last week broke all records for messaging. Check out this site for Wedding Ideas.

Facebook claim that more than 6.8 million people publicly commented on the wedding within the first 12 hours of the event. That number broke the 10 million mark by the end of the first day. Millions more watched the splendor from various live streams on their desktop and laptop computers. Social media sites were buzzing all day as people commented on the clothes, the people and the military precision surrounding the proceedings.

Livestream which partnered up with The Associated Press, UK Press Association, CBS and Entertainment Tonight for the live stream said it broke its own record, with more than 300,000 concurrent live streams being fed to various parts of the globe.

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Youtube were also busy as the royal families own RoyalChannel was buzzing with live video and tweets from Clarence House, the prince's official residence. The Royal Channel was that popular that it experienced distribution problems. Akamai Technologies which delivers about 20 percent of the world's Internet traffic said that global page views for the 100 news portals peaked at nearly 5.4 million a minute during the morning of April the 29th. This amounts to the sixth largest traffic flow Akamai has ever experienced. The current record is 10.4 million page views per minute which was set on June 24th 2010 during the World Cup tournament.

Sybase365 reported a 600 percent increase in daily SMS/MMS traffic between combined U.S. and U.K. markets at the start of the wedding.

KitGuru says: We wonder if Charles and Diana would have had more traffic, if the Internet was in full flow back in the 80's.

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  1. Seems like really perverse brainwashing, sorry cannot stand it

  2. Love, honor and “comfort?” This is very disturbing to me for several reasons. Kate Middleton seems to be dissing God, women everywhere who want to imitate her, Prince William, the royal family and the institution of marriage.

    What did Prince William think of this, I wonder? With 2 billion witnesses, she has turned the marriage ceremony into much less than what God intended with one simple word. Why does she refuse to say she will obey her husband? She has used her title and power as royalty, along with the fairytale princess ideal, to laugh in the face of God and His command and blessing for the marital union.