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Tablet production slowing down due to iPad dominance

Apple have dominated the tablet market since the iPad was launched last year. Sales of the iPad2 are also extremely impressive to this point. Sadly, the great sales for Apple are causing huge issues for competing products.

With everyone wanting a slice of the Apple pie , many companies have jumped on the tablet bandwagon, releasing tablet computers to target various audience sectors. Speaking with some industry insiders this week, I have been told that there are already overstock issues in the far east. Analysts reckon that there is a 20 million unit demand in the second half of this year for tablets. With Apple selling 4.69 million iPads in the first fiscal quarter of 2011, it shows there is really not much room left for anyone else to sell their tablet computers.

Yes, we aren't sure what he is asking her either, but she seems happy enough

So far we are seeing terrible sales figures for competitors. The Motorola Zoom for instance has shifted only 120,000 units since it was released, according to our sources. Google Android powered tablets have also seen only marginal growth, yet the operating system is thriving in the smartphone sector for various Google partners.

The overriding Apple dominance in the tablet market means that other makers just aren't getting a strong hold in any sector, with even businesses adopting the iPad, a previous stronghold for BlackBerry. We have received information that highlights many manufacturing factories are being told to slow down on production for Apple competitor products. Yet, Apple can't keep up with demand and are trying to step up production.

KitGuru says: Amazon look to be the biggest potential threat with rumours of their upcoming tablet computer.

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One comment

  1. Im sick hearing about the ipad 🙂