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Blackberry Playbook set for April release

In the latest of our tablet news, it looks as if Research In Motion (RIM) are arming up to join the market attack with the release of their new Playbook set for April. KitGuru has heard well sourced rumours in the Far East that the date looks to be between April 10th and April 20th.

If this date is accurate, then RIM are looking to go head to head against the iPad 2 which should be hitting the market at a similar time frame.

Pricing information is not yet confirmed, although best guesstimates seem to be hinting at a $500 price point, which would translate to around a £420 once it hits the UK shores. Many business professionals have been waiting on the BlackBerry Playbook to hit retail, as RIM are well known for class leading enterprise email support, however they will be facing stiff competition from Apple's new iPad 2 and the Motorola Xoom.

KitGuru says: Are you joining the tablet hordes in 2011, is this on your shortlist?

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One comment

  1. Isnt this the tablet without 3g support? how will that work for business users?