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Penthouse launch first European 3D porn channel

Penthouse have released the first 3D porn channel in a new ‘pan european' rollout. The channel is going to operate from 11pm to 5am daily and will include both soft core and hard core feeds.

It is not known where Penthouse are getting the content from, but the 3D aspect will certainly appeal to aficionados throughout Europe. They will have 30 hours of content which will be refreshed every month.

3D video has been having a tough time getting a hold in the UK and the introduction of 3D porn might kick start higher adoption figures, especially as dads can make the excuse it is for the sports coverage. It is worth remembering that adult material pushed the VHS platform 30 years ago, so we would assume it could have the same effect on 3D content.

Penthouse have launched the service today, which beats Hustler to the screens, with their own 3D channel expected later this month.

KitGuru says: Is 3D porn something you would be interested in? would you admit it?

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One comment

  1. 3D boobies. whats next, stratch and sniff?