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Suspected Lulzsec 2nd in command arrested by Scotland Yard

Scotland Yard have arrested ‘Topiary', a well known hacker, who is said to be involved with prolific organisations Lulzsec and Anonymous.

The 19 year old man has been arrested in the Shetland Islands and is currently being held in a central London police station. The Metropolian Police issued a statement yesterday:

“Officers from the Metropolitan Police Service’s Police Central e-Crime Unit (PCeU) today (27 July) arrested a 19-year-old man in a pre-planned intelligence-led operation.

The man arrested is believed to be linked to an ongoing international investigation in to the criminal activity of the so-called “hacktivist” groups Anonymous and LulzSec, and uses the online nickname “Topiary” which is presented as the spokesperson for the groups.”

In other hacking related news, another 17 year old is being questioned for connection to the inquiry, but he has not as yet been arrested.

According to online reports, Topiary is said to be ‘second in command' within Lulzsec. According to reports from other sources, his technical knowledge is not known to be as high as other members of the group, and he acted more as a PR representative for the hacking groups.

His Twitter account has been wiped of all comments, with only one statement posted as of time of publication.

It reads “You cannot arrest an idea”.

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