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Google release ‘Priority Inbox’ – is it any good though?

Google email is still widely adopted by millions of people every year and recently Google have released a new system called “Priority Inbox” which apparently helps to unclutter an overcrowded inbox.

The system works based on algorithms which sort through email and move the good content to the top while moving the boring items lower down the ‘priority scale'.

Google engineer Doug Aberdeen (not sure if he is from Scotland) has written about the software in his blog saying it is “a new view of your inbox that helps you focus on your most important messages … just as Gmail has automatically filtered the bad stuff into a spam folder, it now also highlights the good stuff. It's like your personal assistant, helping you focus on the messages that matter without requiring you to set up complex rules.”

Google offer this as an ‘opt in' feature although reports across the forums have been less than complimentary about how it works with one person saying ‘its garbage, some of my good emails were filed as unimportant and I didn't notice for hours that I wanted to read them, avoid it'.

KitGuru says: What do you think? A cool idea or intrusive to your everyday reading?

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One comment

  1. It doesnt work, avoid it.