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Have Lulzsec inspired something bigger?

We reported a few days ago that Lulzsec announced that the attacks would stop, after they posted a notice saying they were disbanding. Security experts however say that this might not end attacks, which have already hit dozens of high profile sites and businesses.

Lulzsec have been unstoppable in recent weeks, taking down and exposing data from the CIA, the United States Senate and Sony. As we noted the ‘we are not tied to this identity permanently’ was a key telling point in their original post and security experts have said that they are urging other hackers to join in the ‘revolution' aimed at corporations and government bodies. Anonymous are also still active, and it was rumoured in the past that members of Lulzsec are also members of this group.

Dino A. Dai Zovi an independent security consultant said “It looks like these sort of ‘hacktivist’ ideas are spreading and gaining popularity.” He said that Lulzsec appear to be stimulating the audience into mounting their own attacks, opening up the potential for more smaller, splintered groups across the globe.

Lulzsec are under investigation by many government enforcement agencies and one suspected member Ryan Cleary, a 19 year old from Essex, UK was arrested under suspicion of involvement with the group. Lulzsec are also under attack from rival groups who are trying to expose them to authorities.

American officials in key agencies have said that the attacks in recent weeks are more ‘nuisances' that ‘real security threats'. Obviously they are trying to diffuse the situation. One government offical said that Lulzsec's attacks had never even compromised any classified information.

Other security officials claim that the disbanding of Lulzsec might seem like a big deal, but it could be a ploy to get authorities to step back from their investigations and tracking of individuals. All it would take is one skilled member of Lulzsec to continue the attacks without a group name.

Kitguru says: Many claim that it will not make a difference, because Lulzsec have started something which seems to have inspired the underground community.

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