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DPS hacked by Lulzsec: law enforcement files stolen

High profile hacking group Lulzsec are in the news almost daily in recent weeks, and their latest target according to industry sources is the Arizona Department of Public Safety. Lulzsec hacked into the network and downloaded hundreds of law enforcement files, which they released.

This is the latest in a long list of attacks by Lulzsec who have also targeted the CIA and the U.S. Senate recently. They said they targeted the DPS because Lulzec oppose Senate Bill 1070 which was created by Arizona Legislature. This law improves law enforcement officers abilities to arrest illegal immigrants. The law is on hold, pending a review by the U.S. Supreme court.

Lulzsec posted the DPS files on their own website, including personal information about enforcement officers. They also released documents which detailed many aspects of operations, with one detailed “cartel leader threatens deadly force on U.S. police.” They claim that the documents are generally related to U.S. Border Patrol and counter terrorism operations.

Lulzsec say they will release more documents every week in an effort to sabotage and embarrass authorities. Lulzsec said this information would be publicly posted “in an effort not just to reveal their racist and corrupt nature but to purposefully sabotage their efforts to terrorize communities fighting an unjust ‘war on drugs.' ”

The DPS have acknowledged the breach. Steve Harrison a spokesman confirmed last night that the system was indeed hacked earlier in the day.

Experts have been called in to secure the system and to prevent further breaches, although it appears the damage has already been done. Harrison said that the release of officers personal information is alarming. This information details the name of eight officers, mobile phone numbers, addresses and even spouses names and details.

He said “When you put out personal information, you don't know what kind of people will respond.”

Lulzsec also posted email accounts online, including passwords. They argue that some of the information is classified as ‘not for public distribution', even though the DPS said they didn't believe any sensitive information was stolen by the hacking organisation. The DPS shut down their website immediately.

“DPS is working to verify all user accounts, change all passwords and make sure everything is secure,” Sandeen said. “We have to validate that it is a legitimate hack and it's legitimate information.”

Lulzsec are growing in popularity, and their Twitter page has now more than 261,200 followers.

Kitguru says: According to industry insiders, due to the recent attacks by Lulzsec, many agencies and government bodies are calling in experts to reevaluate their security.

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