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Raja Koduri is leaving Intel to start his own AI company

Raja Koduri departed AMD and began working at Intel five years ago, marking the blue team's journey towards releasing discrete graphics products. The Intel Xe GPU architecture is now well established and the groundwork has been laid for future generations of graphics cards. Now, Koduri is departing Intel to start his own company. 

In an announcement today, Intel CEO, Pat Gelsinger, confirmed that Raja Koduri is leaving Intel and thanked him for his “many contributions to Intel tech & architecture”, particularly in the high-performance graphics segment.

As you can see above, Koduri confirmed his departure shortly after, adding confirmation that he is forming his own startup company. Rather than hardware, Koduri's attention will now turn to software, with a focus on “generative AI for gaming, media and entertainment”.

Koduri says he will have more information to share in the coming weeks. Intel has yet to name a new Chief Architect.

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KitGuru Says: With AI currently gaining a lot of media attention and investment, Koduri's move to start a new company focused on this area makes sense. AI tools have already aided gamers greatly through features like DLSS and FSR. Hopefully more improvements can come in the future with additional companies looking into technologies that improve performance and visuals. 

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