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Kindle Fire outperforming Galaxy Tab, already

As expected the Kindle Fire is already proving a success for Amazon, as they have shipped more tablets in Q4 than Samsung. Market research firm IHS iSuppli show 3.9 million Kindle Fire tablets shipped in Q3 of 2011, meaning around 14 percent of the overall market.

Apple are without question miles ahead of everyone else, shipping 18.6 million units globally this quarter. The talking point however is that Amazon have shipped more units that Samsung, with 1.37 million units this quarter. Much of Amazon's success is down to the incredibly competitive price point of the new tablet and the sophisticated, mature store infrastructure already in place.

Barnes & Noble have shipped 1.32 million units and the HTC Flyer takes fourth spot with 355,000 tablets shipped during the same quarter.

IHS analyst said “Nearly two years after Apple Inc. rolled out the iPad, a competitor has finally developed an alternative which looks like it might have enough of Apple’s secret sauce to succeed.”

Kitguru says: Not a concern for Apple yet, but surely someone in the company is looking over their shoulder?

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