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Will Android retail stores prove a success?

If you missed the news a few days ago, Google are keen to enter the retail space, by opening stores. The first one opened in Melbourne, Australia recently and so far it seems to be have been a hit with the punters. Google partnered with Telstra to open the store which features the famous shiny green robot.

Image courtesy of Google

Androidland is a store to showcase the many devices which use Google's operating system. The colour scheme is bright and predominately green. They have introduced special displays and gaming booths so people can get a ‘hands on' with some of the devices. The staff on hand are educated on the operating system and to offer advise to customers on which models would suit them best.

The similarities to the Apple retail store concept is apparent, and it makes sense for Google to target this market. After all Apple generate $10 billion a year from the retail stores, worldwide.

Philip Redman, a Gartner mobile analyst has a strong view on this “I don’t think anyone expects major revenue from the retail channel, but it is becoming a necessity. With the number of phones, tablets and net books running Android, as well as the partner support, it makes sense.”

Android is proving strong in the channel, with 550,000 new activations daily and over 200 million activated devices worldwide.

Kitguru says: If this retail store concept takes off, then it would make sense for the company to expand their store presense to other parts of the world, including Europe and the US markets.

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  1. Google Android is doing very well, I like my phone a lot.

  2. I love android and own 5-6 android tablets/phones.
    I love android robot gadgets too like spakers and so forth!
    Look forward to a store in the UK!