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Concerns raised over Amazon Kindle Fire ‘one click’ purchasing

Customers who spend time on Amazon will already be aware of the handy ‘one click' purchasing option which is tied into their user account. You can simply log in, enabled the ‘one click' purchasing option and buy items without having to wade through multiple pages of confirmation. Concerns however have been raised over using the same methodology on their new Kindle Fire tablet.

Many journalists are reporting that it is a cause for ‘security' concerns, supported by some users on technology forums. In order for people to use their new Kindle Fire tablet they have to tie it into an Amazon store account, with a credit card on fire. Using this means that software can be purchased with a single click on the tablet.

Obviously this means if the tablet is lost, then an unauthorised user could purchase a variety of software without having to enter any confirmation codes, or credit card information.

It seems that the convenient system, could be used as a means for purchasing software without interaction of the account owner. According to reports, a user who has been using the Amazon shopping app could leave it open to malicious use. The next person who picks up the Fire, could actually use the shopping application to buy physical goods from the Amazon store, even if the device has been idle for some time.

The only saving grace is that the goods would be shipped to the owners address, because if the address is changed then the account holders credit card becomes inactive.

As Kitguru reported earlier this week, Amazon have acknowledged some security issues with the device and are in the process of issuing an over the air software update.

Kinley Pearsall, an Amazon spokesperson said “As with all of our products, we continue to make them better for customers with regular software updates.”

While the company will address some of the glaring code issues, we aren't sure if Amazon will lock out the ‘one click' purchasing system on the new tablet, because many customers love the convenience of simply clicking a button on a product page. Users may just need to be extra careful if they are traveling with the device.

Kitguru says: a real security risk?

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One comment

  1. I like the one click option which is tied into amazon prime, but I can see how it could cause problems on a tablet, if it ever got lost. not quite so easy for someone to break into your house and use the system on a desktop.