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Google to release ‘Nexus’ tablet – targeting iPad

Google have had a strong year, remaining in the top search engine position, and spreading their Android operating system, far and wide. Chairman Eric Schmidt has revealed that they also plan to take on Apple in the tablet sector, with their upcoming ‘Nexus'.

Google helped Motorola design their Xoom tablet, and while it is a very good tablet, software updates and sales have been less than impressive. Schmidt spoke to an Italian newspaper and said “In the next six months we plan to market a tablet of the highest quality.”

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt: deadly serious about taking on Apple in the tablet sector

Google have purchased Motorola's devices division for $12.5 billion and have the hardware capabilities now to take on the big players. None of the Android tablets have managed to grab the attention of the mainstream audience, although combined they account for a small, yet noticeable percentage of the overall market. Amazon's latest Kindle Fire is proving the strongest competition, however the primary point of purchase is based around the bargain price and huge online store infrastructure which has reassured potential customers for long term support.

Schmidt was very complimentary of the late Apple leader Steve Jobs saying the iPad was ‘amazing'. He added “Steve Jobs was the Michelangelo of our time, A friend of mine and a unique character, able to combine creativity and visionary genius with an extraordinary engineering ability. Steve realised the revolutionary potential of the tablet and created an amazing product like the iPad.”

Kitguru says: Only time will tell if the upcoming Nexus tablet will be enough to take on the iPad, but there is no tougher market than this. It is completely dominated by Apple products.

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