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Research In Motion insider claims BlackBerry 10 is a failure

It seems we can't go a single day without hearing some depressing news regarding Research In Motion. The latest snippet of insider information comes from BGR who claim to have spoken to an insider who is ‘one of their most trusted sources'

The leaked information highlights why RIM have been delaying the release of BlackBerry 10 on smartphones. The source said “Email and PIM [is better] on an 8700 than it is on BlackBerry 10.” RIM are having problems making the new operating system work with the network infrastructure they are known for.

RIM's Mike Lazardis. Not the greatest 2011 for the company

BGR added “We also have some more background on why RIM’s BlackBerry 10 smartphones are delayed, and it has nothing to do with a new LTE chipset that RIM is waiting on. In what is something of a serious allegation, our source told us that Mike Lazaridis was lying when he said the company’s new lineup was delayed for that reason. ”RIM is simply pushing this out as long as they can for one reason, they don’t have a working product yet,” we were told.

At the end of our conversation, our source communicated something shocking for a high-level RIM employee to say. He told us that RIM is betting its business on a platform and ecosystem that isn’t even as good as iPhone OS 1.0 or Android 2.0. “There’s no room for a fourth ecosystem,” he stated, “and DingleBerry also works on BlackBerry 10.”

Kitguru says: Not a very positive report to end 2011 with.

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