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Lady Gaga’s Facebook page hacked – win a special edition iPad

The wacky Lady GAGA has been dealing with more than a dress made from meat. Her Facebook fan page was hacked, and an iPad themed scam was implanted, in the efforts to scam some of her 45 million fans.

Yes, 45 million fans visit her page, so it would only take less than 1 percent of her audience to click through before a lot of people got roped into a dodgy scam. The fraudulent campaign said that the pop diva was running a competition to win an iPad, in conjunction with Apple.

Lady GAGA wearing her famous 'meat dress'. Good taste an optional extra.

The followers were asked to sign up to win a limited edition Lady Gaga version of the iPad.

Sophos security firm said “The webpage users were directed to was hosted on the free blogspot service, and has since been removed. Anyone who clicked on the link, and filled in online forms, may have unwittingly handed their personal information to scammers and potentially helped them earn revenue by completing online surveys.”

The adminstrators of her page caught it within the space of an hour, however over 120,000 people still clicked the link. Other popular artists have been hit with similar scams, as the con men know the potential target audience is huge.

Kitguru says: Facebook need tighter security, but how can they stop determined hackers?

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