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Should consumers boycott Apple?

We have been reporting recently on the working conditions at partner factories which produce Apple goods. Since then many of the mainstream press organisations are also latching onto the stories of terrible working conditions and ‘slave labour' claims. The company could face a boycott now if things don't change, quickly.

Apple use an indepth network of Chinese factories to build their range of products, including the iPad and iPhone. Their squeaky clean image has been tarnished as the working conditions have been analysed by leading publications.

The New York Times went with a story last year which caused concern for Apple leaders entitled ‘Apple's Chinese workers treated ‘inhumanely, like machines'. Since then, a series of stories have been published on working conditions which would not be tolerated in Europe or America. Apparently half a million workers are paid 65p an hour, and can be tasked to work a 60 hour week.

The Los Angeles Times published a column recently which read ‘Should consumers boycott Apple?', this detailed the working conditions at length. The PR disaster for Apple won't disappear, especially as their recent financial report highlights an all new record for profits. Many people feel that with revenue of $46.33 billion they should be working harder to improve the conditions of their production factories.

Dan Lyons, who writes for Newsweek and Daily Beast has said “It's barbaric. Ultimately the blame lies not with Apple and other electronics companies – but with us, the consumers. And ultimately we are the ones who must demand change.”

The Guardian newspaper in the UK add “Through the iPod, iPhone and now the iPad tablet computer, Apple has revolutionised lifestyles across the world and built up a cult of worshippers. It has also generated billions of dollars in profits, in part due to the cheapness of Chinese labour.

But much of the firm's success rests on its reputation for “cool” among hip urban professionals and a generally positive corporate image. Stories of worker abuse at Chinese firms are a direct threat to that winning combination.”

The New York Times have been at the forefront of the reports and many American people are waking up to the fact that their new mobile device has been created in such horrific conditions. Other companies use similar factories in China for their product line, so Apple are not alone … they are however the largest and highest profile so the focus has been on them for many of the reports.

Foxconn are tightly linked with Apple, and last year a raft of suicides caused worldwide concern. Employees jumped to their death, unable to deal with the working conditions any longer. Explosions at iPad factories recently have killed four people and 137 workers have been injured after cleaning iPhone screens with a poisonous chemical.

Tim Cook, Apple CEO sent an email to Apple staff, which read “We care about every worker in our worldwide supply chain. Any accident is deeply troubling, and any issue with working conditions is cause for concern. Any suggestion that we don't care is patently false and offensive to us… accusations like these are contrary to our values.”

Apple released a list of all the firms in their worldwide supply chain, and 62 percent of these 229 facilities are not in compliance with Apple's 60 hour maximum working week policy. Around 30 percent have a problem with hazardous waste.

Kitguru says: It may be unfair to single out Apple as being linked with inhumane working conditions in China, however they really do need to put some money into the production chain to resolve the situation. We feel it is at the point now were the public are very aware of what is happening and it could damage their brand name long term.

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  1. You do understand that most large IT\Telecom companies work with Foxconn, right? It’s not just Apple. They don’t have any control on Foxconn as they only answer to Chinese Labor Laws. The only think that Apple can do is to try to “blackmail” them. Check the Wikipedia entry on Foxcon. You can find there a list of companies.

  2. A lot of companies work with Foxconn, but its not just foxconn factories involved in this. Its also something that Apple need to help sort out as they have the financial power to make foxconn change their rules. They already forced them to make changes.

    It reflect badly on Apple too, especially with the figures they announce all the time. Its not right to just blame Apple, but many things in life really arent right anyway.

  3. The counter argument – that it’s not just Apple and it’s not just Foxconn – is all well and good, but you don’t allow things to carry on the way they are simply because others are involved. There were (and still are) countries with worse human rights records than South Africa under apartheid, but you challenge one in the hope that it creates a domino effect.

    Apple have to accept that with power comes responsibility, and as market leaders they must take a lead on this. Moreover, because they are a company held in great affection by huge swathes of the people in the West, they have power over and above their capital and market share, they’re actions will have greater ramifications than a ‘tolerated’ company like Microsoft ever could.

    The simple truth is, as Kit Guru often stress, manufacturing has moved east. The West must now make a choice – do we deal with countries that have working practices that would have been out of place in UK even before 1900? Or do we insist on workers (indeed basic human) rights?

    Of course, even if one had a magic wand and could make it happen overnight, it requires people with charisma and steel to sell it to a public, grown drunk on cheap goods and upgrades every year for the hell of it. Today’s politicians do not have that kind of nerve or balls, this is why super-rich companies like Apple have to make the moves themselves. And there are great kickbacks for doing so. Time and again we’ve seen brands sold as fair-trade/employee owned/organic/whatever, prosper on their ethical credentials. the premium slice of the market that Apple commands can afford price rises and take it on the chin to assuage their middle-class guilt.

    None of this will happen overnight, we’re looking at a 25 year progression, but there are other advantages. Perhaps if the electorate in the West realised that insisting on higher standards will, after an initial price hike, lead to a rebalancing of the world economy and an end to the current near monopoly the East has in manufacturing, our economies as a whole will benefit, our wages will rise and we will be able to afford the higher prices.

    But that’s all far down the line. Meanwhile, Apple should man-up, intervene, take a small hit and hopefully, hopefully, start a chain reaction.