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App downloads break record: 1.2 billion in last 7 days of 2011

Christmas day in 2011 has been marked down as the biggest day for global device activations ever and according to Flurry, an app store analytics firm this caused record levels of app store activity between December 25th and 31st. Over 1.2 billion applications were downloaded in this single week period.

Peter Farago, vice president of marketing at Flurry said in email “While we saw records shattered on Christmas Day for worldwide iOS and Andr[oi]d device activations and downloads, the influx of new devices has facilitated the first-ever breaking of the one-billion-download record to occur within a week. This took place during the last seven days of 2011, from 12/25 to 12/31. Folks, we've broken the one-billion barrier; 1.2 billion downloads within a week to be exact.”

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Regionally, the US market was the busiest, with 509 million downloads taking place. China saw 99 million downloads, and the UK took third place with 81 million downloads.

Google and Amazon reported record sales in December with over 1 million Kindle tablets sold every week in December and 3.7 million Android tablets activated on 24th and 25th of December.

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