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Sweden’s Supreme Court find three people guilty of piracy

The Swedish Supreme Court has announced that it won't grant leave to an appeal against Pirate Bay staff members. Peter Sunde, Fredrik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm and Carl Lundström will all face jail sentences and fines.

In November 2010, the Swedish Court Of Appeal found three people behind the Pirates Bay guilty of criminal copyright infringement offenses. Fredrik Neij, Peter Sunde and Carl Lundström had their prison sentences reduced from levels ordered at the 2009 trial, however they were told to pay back millions of dollars to the entertainment company plaintiffs.

The three filed for a hearing of their case at the Supreme Court. The request was denied yesterday meaning that the sentences are now final.

Fredrik Neij faces 10 months in prison – he was known as TiAMO. Peter Sunde, faces 8 months in prison – he was known as Brokep. Carl Lundström faces jail time of 4 months. They have to pay back 46 million kronor, the equivalent of £4.2 million pounds.

Gottfrid Svartholm didn't turn up at the appeal hearing due to medical reasons. He was the co-founder of Pirates Bay. Carl Lundström’s lawyer Per E Samuelsson said “The verdict is absurd, I am disappointed that the court is so uninterested in dissecting and analyzing the legal twists and turns of one of the world’s most high-profile legal cases of all time.”

One of the defendants spoke to TorrentFreak and said they are going to appeal at the European Court Of Justice.

Torrentfreak add “Today’s news doesn’t necessarily means that the defendants will have to go to prison. It is common in the Swedish justice system to deduct 12 months from any prison sentence on cases over 5 years old. Since the case in question meets that criteria the Pirate Bay defendants would qualify, but the decision lies with the court.

Even if denied, the Pirate Bay founders still have a few months of freedom before they are required to serve their prison sentences. Also, both Peter Sunde and Fredrik Neij no longer live in Sweden, which may complicate things.”

Kitguru says: Many sites hosting links to similar materials are now closing due to fears of being prosecuted.

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