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Apple sales revealed – how much tech fruit do we buy?

With Blackberry's antiquated products and personnel straining at the limits, Apple continues its march forward with renewed vigour. The latest sales data is now available and it makes for interesting reading.

Sources close to Apple are telling us that 14 million iPads were sold in the last quarter of 2011.

At the same time, another 31 million people became App-Store-Enabled with the purchase of an iPhone.

UPDATE: News just in that the sale of the Big Mac itself is now at 5 million units for the quarter.

While other manufacturers have been dropping their prices faster than a well paid hooker drops their knickers, Apple has been holding firm (so to speak). Launch pricing on Tech Radar matches today's price at cut-price-cut-throats Tesco.

The only kind of discount you're likely to encounter is on an iPhone 3, which is now available from some smaller stores at ‘more affordable prices'.

Can you see the face of Steve Jobs in this cracked iPhone screen? No? Us neither. Not yet at any rate.

KitGuru says: Our retail sources are still confirming that space is being made in store for iPad 3 launch activities just ahead of Easter and for iPhone 5 before the London Olympics 2012. When you think that EVERY sale in these market sectors will create a huge knock on effect for both App sales and accessories, it's hard to see how Apple will be forced out of business (or, at least, into a minority position). But it's highly likely, given history and the lessons taught us by Novell, Compaq, Nokia, Blackberry and Microsoft.

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