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The government stole her uterus

We received this email today from Avaaz.org – asking for our support, and to let our readers know of a horrifying story regarding Uzbekistan's President. The email stated that the President is forcing doctors to cut out women's uteruses without their knowledge or consent – all in the efforts to promote ‘birth control'. It sounds so incredible that it is difficult to believe, but apparently it is happening.

The email reads:

Uzbekistan's President is forcing doctors to cut out women's uteruses without their knowledge or consent to promote “birth control” across the country. It’s a vile and bloody crime against women being orchestrated by an odious dictator, and now is the time for it to end.

Uzbekistan's Karimov is one of the world’s worst dictators, he’s even boiled opposition activists alive. Yet he’s propped up by millions of dollars from the US government who pay him for military transport across the country. This latest round of brutality, this time against his country’s women, has turned the global spotlight on this monster. Let’s use this awful moment to persuade his biggest backer to ditch him.

Uzbekistan's President Islam Karimov

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton can cut him off. She has already publicly condemned Karimov for human rights abuses and this most recent assault on women's rights – a topic she champions – only ups the stakes.  Sign the petition below calling on Clinton to end Karimov's reign and stop the brutal attack on women:


Activists estimate tens or even hundreds of thousands of women were sterilised secretly when they went into the hospital for a routine procedure or to give birth — waking up with no idea that their uterus has just been removed. One Uzbek gynecologist admitted, ‘Every doctor is told…how many women are to be sterilised … my quota is four women a month'. The use of arbitrary arrest and torture is so widespread that women don’t speak out for fear of reprisals, and foreign journalists and human rights activists are routinely thrown out of the country.

It doesn’t have to be like this — the US could play hardball with Karimov, who relies on the steady flow of money from transit to Afghanistan to fund his lavish lifestyle. The human rights horror show in Uzbekistan has gone under the radar for years — but we have a real chance to break the silence now, using the explosive BBC report that details forced sterilisations, and stand with the brave Uzbek women who have dared to tell their stories in the face of stunning oppression.

The human rights horror show in Uzbekistan has gone under the radar for years — but we have a real chance to break the silence now, using the explosive BBC report, and stand with the brave Uzbek women who have dared to tell their stories in the face of stunning oppression.

Join the call for a first victory for the good guys in the war on women — sign the petition to Clinton and forward to everyone:


Time and again, Avaaz members have stood up for the rights of women around the world. Let’s join together now and remind the US that opting for human rights or national interest is a false choice — and that we’ll continue the fight for women's rights wherever they are threatened.

Kitguru says: Can this be allowed to continue?

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  1. This guy is a sicko, he set people on fire before. he needs locked up for crimes against humanity.

  2. God, he deserves to get a worse fate then Gadaffi.

  3. The whole history of Uzbekistan is tragic, and it’s now the poorest country in the world with the lowest life expectancy. AA Gill wrote an interesting piece on what life is like there today in his collection of travel writing ‘AA Gill is abroad’.

    Avaaz sent me the same email, and it is shocking – but when people are dying in their 30s of natural causes, you realise one petition on one issue is not going to fix the place. But I suppose it’s a start, if it’s this one that raises emotions in the West to act, then every little helps.

    I always find this a haunting graphic

    Fishing boats marooned twenty miles from the sea…

  4. This is a terrible thing to have happen to any country, but I hardly believe the US is going to be able to stop it. I honestly don’t believe it’s our place to do so anyways, as bad as that sounds. I mean no disrespect or ill wishes to any person, but the US is in an economically unsustainable state as it is already because of wars overseas that should never have started and that cannot be won. I think this kind of thing should not be seen as our responsibility when there are groups such as Interpol, the UN, the EU, etc, that are actually supposed to police and govern these regions to begin with. We don’t pay this dictator to do the things he does, we simply pay for passage through his country. I believe we should stop paying by all means, and stop sending our military forces overseas to meddle in other nations’ affairs. For anyone to say we should stop his reign is ridiculous at best. It’s not our country, not our continent, and not our business. It’s times like this I wish I lived in a better nation that didn’t waste literally more money than it makes on wars and conflicts that never should have happened in the first place.
    Again, I mean no ill wishes on anyone, but I think the proper authorities should take responsibility where their jurisdiction resides. Don’t send Texas rangers to stop a robbery in New York City.