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Hung over? Google car will drive you.

Google are the first company to receive a license application to test their self driving car on public roads, according to the Nevada DMV.

The license plate is red, which signifies that the vehicle is ‘autonomous'. There is also an infinity logo on the far left of the plate.

Bruce Breslow, the Department of Motor Vehicles director issued a statement, saying “I felt using the infinity symbol was the best way to represent the ‘car of the future. The unique red plate will be easily recognized by the public and law enforcement and will be used only for licensed autonomous test vehicles. When there comes a time that vehicle manufactures market autonomous vehicles to the public, that infinity symbol will appear on a green license plate.”

Nevada approved the procedure for self driving cards in February this year. Other states in America, such as California are working on their own licensing program, but no other approval has yet been finalised.

PCMag add “The Nevada DMV said that Google and DMV officials had tested the self-driving cars along freeways, state highways and neighborhoods both in Carson City and the busy Las Vegas Strip. The newly-formed Autonomous Review Committee then met to review Google's safety plans, employee training, system functions and accident reporting mechanisms.”

Kitguru says: A sign of the future, don't expect to see this in the UK for many years.

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