Update: Interestingly, South Park Studios, the company behind the hit TV show has said that it isn't keen on THQ selling off its IP. In-fact, it claims that within its contract with THQ there is a stipulation that should it be breached, South Park Studios has the right to acquire back all “elements of the game and related properties.” Again, this was spotted by NeoGaf.
Original Story: Rumours have begun appearing ahead of the THQ IP auction announcement later today – due at 5pm – suggesting that Sega is in the running, along with Ubisoft and Koch Media, the parent company for Deep Silver – developer of Dead Island.
But which studios are they supposedly after? Well according to the ever reliable NeoGaf, Sega is interested in Relic, suggesting that we could soon see the one time console maker be in control of the Warhammer 40,000 license, along with Company of Heroes sequels. Koch Media on the other hand is apparently gunning for Volition, which would give it access to the Saint's Row series and Ubisoft is pushing to gain control of Obsidian and its South Park: Stick of Truth game.

Whether any of this true will be discovered later today when the official announcement is made, but it's fun to speculate and some of these deals would be really interesting. Sega has a lot of cash to burn according to Eurogamer, somewhere to the tune of $2 billion (£1.26 billion) so Relic would be pretty safe in terms of future developments there.
Ubisoft might be an interesting home for South Park – but I'm looking forward to that one so here's hoping they don't slap on some irritating DRM.
KitGuru Says: What do you guys think about these possibilities? Would these studios and properties be better off somewhere else?