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Judge Koh questions Apple’s lawyers if they’re “smoking crack”

In the latest Apple vs Samsung news from the Californian court, judge Lucy Koh has put her foot  down, seemingly due to the fact she wants to see this trial come to a close – and not run on for another year or two.

Who will came out as victor? Or perhaps less scathed would be the truer terminology.

Today, Apple presented the court with a 75 page document covering 22 possible rebuttal witnesses they may want to call to the stand after Samsung finishes presenting their case. After the jury had left, Koh questioned Apple's legal stuff as to why they would present such as document “when unless you're smoking crack you know these witnesses aren't going to be called!”

This was because Apple and Samsung only have a limited amount of time to present their case to the judge and with the hours counting down on Apple's timer, it is obvious that those 22 witnesses would never be able to present their views in the allotted time.

Apple replied saying that they wish not to burden the court and will cut down on the document's length. Regardless of this, judge Koh billed the involved parties time due to Apple being “unreasonable”.

KitGuru says: Judge Koh seemingly wants the case closed and for good reason, some of these lawyers appear to be acting like high school kids.

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