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Facebook is copying China?

In what initially seems like someone has the story back to front, a US firm is being accused of copying from a Chinese one. However, it turns out that's exactly what's happening. The companies in question are Facebook and Cubic Network, which is claiming that the social network giant stole not only the idea for Timeline, but the F8 logo and name too.

The first claim is obviously the biggest of the bunch and could prove to problematic for Facebook, despite the fact that it's taken over a year for Cubic to make its accusation. Apparently back in 2008, Cubic launched its own Timeline feature, which allowed users to show videos, pictures and text notes in chronological order. According to the report in China Youth Daily (via MIC Gadget), this feature was shown off at a talk at Stanford University which Mr Zuckerburg attended. Three years later and Facebook has its own Timeline.

Coincidence? Cubic doesn't think so.

Timeline Comparison
Do they look close to you?

Some may be wondering why it took Cubic over a year to voice its concerns over the alleged idea theft. The reason being given is that while Cubic knew about it, it was only when several US law firms reminded the owner, Mr Xion Wanli, of the supposed infringement that he decided to pursue legal action.

KitGuru Says: Pretty safe to say that the intention on the lawyers' part is monetary gain. Perhaps when they started talking figures Mr Wanli began to see the big picture, or the big mountain of dollars. Still going up against a company valued at many billions of dollars isn't always the smartest plan, since its legal team is likely to be formidable. Far more affective than when Zuckerburg was fending off the Winkelvoss twins the first time around, at least.

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