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The Pope will read your tweets on 12th Dec.

In a move that can't possibly end well, the Vatican has announced that on 12th December the pope will be performing a question and answer session on Twitter. Not only that, but it's been said that the pope himself will be reading every tweet he gets sent.

Using the handle of @Pontifex, the pope has over 350,000 followers already and follows seven others – though those turn out to be foreign language versions of the same account. The social networking interaction is seen as a way for the church to embrace modern technology and appear more contemporary than it has in the past. The Vatican has previously set up a Youtube account as well as the Pope2You website.

Tweet all you like, your website still looks old

When quizzed on what sort of messages the pope would be sending out, the Vatican said that there would be “peals of wisdom,” as well as responses to direct questions. It was also explained that the pope wouldn't be doing the typing himself, but the tweets would be his words.

According to the Guardian, the pope's enthusiasm for the new technology has encouraged other members of the church to get on board. One 83 year old priest apparently said: “If the pope is going on Twitter then I had better too.”

KitGuru Says: What do you guys think about this? Is it something that'll prove quite interesting? Or do you think it'll just dissolve into insults and queries about some of the less than savoury problems the Catholic church has had in recent years?

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