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Mega launches event notifications and zipped downloads

Kim Dotcom's cloud based file locker, Mega, has launched a new feature called Event Notifications, which informs you of all “relevant activities” of your cloud partners, meaning you can keep an eye on what everyone's doing when they access your files and folders. On top of that, you can also download files in a zipped format, leading to faster acquisition of files and neater download packs.

“MEGA no longer leaves you in the dark about what is happening inside your shared folders,” reads the press release on the site's blog. Every user now has an “event notification timeline,” which shows you, how and when which folders were replaced, moved, accessed and every other conceivable way people can interact with them.

The Zip file support will be a nice addition for some and its application is apparently pretty simple: just select “download as ZIP” from the file context menu. There are a couple of caveats to the feature though: No ZIP64 support yet, so all files must be under 4GB and Windows 7 doesn't support foreign characters in the file names.

Zipped downloads… nice. Source: Wikipedia

In other updates, file transfers can now be halted and resumed, and you can modify the settings of batch file uploads and downloads.

KitGuru Says: Good to see Mega continuing to evolve, though how non-partisan Dotcom can appear as the owner when he demanded 3D printed gun blueprints be removed, is hard to tell.

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