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Google update image search to reduce porn

I think we have all searched on Google with ‘safesearch' off at some point. Even innocent search terms can return a high level of porn images, not ideal for the family.

Google are adjusting their algorithm to ensure this won't happen. They have pushed out an update which will ensure less porn for people who don't want it.

They issued a statement “We are not censoring any adult content, and want to show users exactly what they are looking for — but we aim not to show sexually-explicit results unless a user is specifically searching for them. We use algorithms to select the most relevant results for a given query. If you’re looking for adult content, you can find it without having to change the default setting — you just may need to be more explicit in your query if your search terms are potentially ambiguous. The image search settings now work the same way as in Web search.”

Kitguru says: Some people are claiming now that their algorithms are too severe and that porn imagery isn't showing the way it used to, even if the user wants it.

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