It has been an amazing week in the land of GPU price cuts, with wave after wave of deal lashing the inbox shores of the UK's hard core enthusiasts. Almost all of the action has been coming from NVidia, but now it seems that AMD is ready to get in the ring. KitGuru puts on a Don King wig and steps in front of the cameras.
If memory serves, it was January 31st 2012 when the Radeon HD 7950 from XFX hit the UK stores at around the £375 price point.
With the latest price cut from Aria, that card is now down to just £196.99 and, unlike the launch version, it now comes with 3 games: Tomb Raider 2013, Crysis 3 Hunter and Bioshock Infinite.
The Radeon HD 7950 is a 28nm GPU that packs 4.3 billion transistors into its core and then gets combined with a 3GB GDDR5 – so anyone thinking of upgrading from a previous generation is likely to find plenty of grunt under the bonnet.
In case you're wondering, it is CrossFireX ready, so you have some flexibility if you want to build up a multi-GPU rig.
Some might say that this is a standard ‘end of line, clear your shelves deal' – but the 7950 is very much a current product and Aria has had to source a new shipment to make this deal possible. That would indicate that NEW stock is coming into the market and getting the discount applied. Interesting.

KitGuru says: We can't help thinking that we haven't seen the last of the Holy Sword of Price Cutting this summer.
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