Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is set in the year 2029, two years after the events of Human Revolution and the “Aug Incident”—an event in which mechanically augmented humans became uncontrollable and lethally violent. Unbeknownst to the public, the affected augmented received implanted technology designed to control them by the shadowy Illuminati, which is abused by a rogue member of the group to discredit augmentations completely. (Wikipedia).
We test at the ULTRA profile with the image quality maxed out.
This is a demanding engine and SLI support is lacking. That said, overall performance is pretty good at 1080p.
Don’t buy MSI until they have fixed the issues with the GT72 and GT80: Read more: and here:
That’s really pathetic!
What is pathetic?
What MSI has done and then the way they’ve responded.
Yep. My GT72 is not upgradable like MSI advertised.
You have the GTX 880M? Has anyone attempted at placing eurocom’s MXM maxwells in there?
You have the GTX 880M? Has anyone attempted at placing eurocom’s MXM maxwells in there?
Seems like the GT83VR is a step down from even the GT73VR lol. Raid 0 instead of Super Raid 4. No 120 Htz display, no 4K or turbo mode.
Not even G-Sync from my understanding according to MSI support. So what exactly are you paying extra for here?
Doesn’t seem like you’re getting much of anything here. Other than the two GTX 1080. Not worth as i think might just go back to Asus. Wait for their new GX800 to come out.