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Apple customers are the most loyal

A recent study has confirmed what we already knew – Apple have the most loyal customer base. According to research firm GfK, Apple products generate the most fanatical following.

84 percent of the iPhone user base say that they would buy another iPhone to update their device. Google Android is also popular, but it trails at 60 percent. The results might be concerning for Research In Motion, as only 48 percent of users asked would buy another Blackberry. This is below the general ‘average' figure of 63 percent.

The iPhone running Parallels/Windows software - sacrilege!

While it is important to expand the existing user base, it certainly helps that you know a huge portion of your audience aren't going to jump ship anytime soon.

GfK sourced the figures from 4,500 people in various countries, such as Britain, Germany, France, Spain, Brazil, United States, China and Japan.

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