Apple are selling billions of dollars of product every month and the latest sales figures show that around 1 million Macbooks will be sold in Q4 of 2010. What is more interesting to us however is that estimates show 250,000 of this 1,000,000 could very well be sales of the MacBook Air alone.
The tablet craze is one of the memorable stories of 2010. Apple's iPad has been a phenomenal seller and has surpassed sales figures industry analysts expected. What we are seeing however now is that many people have found limitations with the tablet market and want a super portable computer with more diversity than a tablet can offer.

The new Macbook Air models seem to have filled this hole if sales figures are anything to go by. This however has the side effect of lowering tablet sales, even from their own iPad. Apples notebook market share in the US rose from 6.7% to 12.6%, which is a huge increase.
The Apple MacBook air is benefiting SSD, NAND flash and panel manufacturers, even if it seems to be damaging sales from other companies in the super portable sector.
KitGuru says: Can this company do any wrong in 2010? They even managed to ride out the iPhone 4 ‘antennagate' issues with little financial damage.