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Stop the Press: Mac users do game!

Last week I reviewed the Steam client for Apple computers and once it went live I immediately received a few emails from irritate PC users, with one even asking me why I was ‘catering to a non functional user base'. I think he meant non existent, rather than dead, but, yeah I got the point, relax.

Interestingly, developer Valve have announced that around eleven percent of all Steam software sales since the Apple client has been released are being taken from Macintosh computers. Sure, we could say that after a decade or more in the wilderness maybe Mac users are being over enthusiastic, however those are still mighty impressive figures regardless.

Two thirds of all sales are being taken on MacBook and Valve have been keen to point out that “macs are a great platform for entertainment services” …. and to keep to their promise they have released the following games for the Macintosh library in the last week:

Eschalon Book 1
Europa Universalis 3
Hearts of Iron 3
Killing Floor
Madballs in Babo: Invasion
Sam & Max Season 2
Sam & Max Season 3 – Ep. 2
Simplz Zoo

Some of these games are also offering cross platform multiplayer, so if you really do hate mac users, then you now have a perfectly good way to take out your anger.

KitGuru says: Will Apple start putting pressure on developers to get A list games released sooner rather than later?

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  1. Phantom Menace

    poor bastards so starved for games, everything they have bought on that list sucks ass!

  2. Hey we have ourselves an anti mac troll!

  3. Sam and Max are great, I take offense at you saying they suck !

  4. Phantom Menance

    Sam and Max rock for 12 year old girls with mental illnesses. Wise up dude.

  5. Macs are just pcs with osx on them. Osx is nothing great. Mac had to use the same hardware they put down as inferior to get games.

    Whats that say about mac? hahaha.