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Australian Wikileaks site hit by DDOS

The Australian version of the Wikileaks Political Party site has been hit by a denial of service attack. It's been down for just over 12 of hours and is still very difficult to access at the time of writing. It does appear after a while, but it's not quick.

Claiming responsibility for the atttack, is @th3j35t3r on Twitter, who posted late last night, “Tango Down – Wikileaks Political Party site in AUS. For grooming US gov employees and contractors into treason.” He did however go on to offer some tongue in cheek praise for the site's admins, after they admitted via their own official Twitter that they were hit by a DDOS attack – but only after suggesting that the website had simply been “overused.”

The site itself and the party it's supporting haven't been around for long. It was a recent announcement that saw as many as six separate Senate candidates set to take part in the Australian federal election, with Julian Assange among them.

These are the candidates that @th3j35t3r isn't too fond of

Jester's Twitter account makes it clear that he is not affiliated with famous hacktivist movement Anonymous, though he does describe himself similarly as a: “proud infidel and hacktivist for good.” However, whilst Anonymous has often been a staunch defender of Wikileaks and its founder, Julian Assange, Jester hasn't been quite so forthcoming. In-fact, he's slung plenty of criticism at the man (and Edward Snowden), suggesting that they answer for their charges.

“Message to #Assange, if u face ur rape charges, when I get charged, I promise I wont run away like u & #Snowden,” reads one tweet.

KitGuru Says: Quite a different take on the usual pro Wikileaks hacktivists. Good to see a little disparity in online activism though – a one party system is always bound to represent no-one.

[Thanks ComputerWorld]

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