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KitGuru Gaming – Weekly Round Up

For those tech readers who don’t always get time to check out our game related content at KitGuru gaming – here is a round up of content published in the last week or so.

“The Darkness II Release”

Looking for a game where you can rip out people’s throats, urinate on enemies, and poke people’s eyes out?  Look no further.

Darkness 2 Dated Oct The Darkness II Release


“PhD Student Unlocks the Secret to the Future of Gaming – Producing Realistic Human Skin”

The future of gaming is upon us.  An impressive demo was released last week by Jorge Jimenez, featuring his work in real-time graphics and special effects as a PhD student at the Universidad de Zaragoza (University of Zaragoza) under the supervision of Diego Gutierrez.

Screen Space Subsurface Scattering 1024x575 PhD Student Unlocks the Secret to the Future of Gaming – Producing Realistic Human Skin


“Reviews of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning”

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, the action RPG with a slew of impressive personnel, was hyped up to be a game comparable to Skyrim yet fell short.

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning Screenshtos 1024x569 Reviews of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning


“Details for Naughty Dog's The Last of Us”

Been wondering about the story for Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us?  Storyline details were finally released and wow does it sound like an adventure!

the last of us wallpaper 1024x640 Details for Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us


“Skyrim – Big Time Winner at the Annual Interactive Achievement Awards”

The Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences held their 15th annual award ceremony, and many of the winners matched up with winning titles from the December 2011Video Game Awards on Spike TV.

15th AIAS Interactive Achiement Awards Winners Skyrim Skyrim – Big Time Winner at the Annual Interactive Achievement Awards

For those tech readers who don’t always get time to check out our game related content at KitGuru gaming – here is a round up of content published in the last week.

“Staying Fit with Your iProduct -BitGym's Racing and Sightseeing Apps”

The majority of you who own an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch can download a BitGym app allowing you to exercise on a treadmill, elliptical machine, or exercise bike while feeling like you’re traveling somewhere.  Say good-bye to the monotonous spin of the exercise bike and (hopefully!) feel like you’re driving a car at high speeds by tilting your head in Fit Freeway or traveling through the Swiss Alps in BitGym’s Virtual Active scenic landscape series.

BitGym Staying Fit with Your iProduct – BitGym’s Racing and Sightseeing Apps


“Kinect 4D Theme Park”

Consumers have been fascinated with 3D technology for decades, spawning Virtual Boy (the first game console with “3D graphics”), 3D TV’s and movie theaters, and the Nintendo 3DS.  Some amusement parks even have their own 3D shows, such as Epcot’s “Honey I Shrunk the Audience.”  This obsession with 3D entertainment has since expanded to an entire 4D avatar amusement park in Korea.

3c64991679aa18a3dafe5e901774cbcd Kinect 4D Theme Park


“The Next Big Action RPG, Imagined by New YorkTimes Bestselling Fantasy Author R.A. Salvatore”

Finished Skyrim and looking for another action RPG to delve into?  Have we got a game for you!  Set for release next week (February 7th in North America and February 10th in Europe), Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning has some big name people behind it – executive designer Ken Rolston (lead designer of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion), executive art director Todd McFarlane (creator of Spawn comics), and writer R.A. Salvatore (well known fantasy writer and New York Times bestselling author).

combat The Next Big Action RPG, Imagined by New York Times Bestselling Fantasy Author R.A. Salvatore


“Final Fantasy XIII-2 – Another Downfall in Storytelling”

Reviews have been filtering in with everyone taking a stand one way or the other – whether XIII-2 is a worthy sequel to XIII.  Many articles and blogs cite the ways in which XIII-2 made improvements upon its predecessor, particularly with more freedom, side quests, and mini-games.  The negativity of fans regarding a lack of such freedom in XIII led Square Enix to showcase traditional RPG aspects (like mini-games) in XIII-2’s trailers in order to regain the confidence of Final Fantasy fans who felt jipped on the last installment of the series.

Although XIII-2 feels more like an actual Final Fantasy game due to the elimination of complete linearity, the storytelling aspect is still harshly criticized.  One review states, “Storytelling, sadly, remains the one place where ‘XIII-2’ stumbles as much as (if not more than) ‘XIII’.”

43a542796bf90505eca15650dac16803 Final Fantasy XIII 2 – Another Downfall in Storytelling?


“Resident Evil 6 Early Access & Dragon Dogma's Action RPG”

If you buy the action RPG Dragon’s Dogma on May 22nd (the 25th in Europe), you can have access to the Resident Evil demo.  The catch?  Only Xbox 360 users are allowed access that early.  PS3 gamers have to wait until September 4th (the 5th in Europe).

Evil600 Resident Evil 6 Early Access & Dragon’s Dogma Action RPG

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