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KitGuru Gaming – Weekly Round Up

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For those tech readers who don’t always get time to check out our game related content at Kitguru gaming – here is a round up of content published in the last week.

“Analyzing Video Games on the Basis of Film and Literary Criticism (Part 1 of 2)”

This post tackles the question, “A problem with the industry gaining such respect is how do you declare what is meaningful out of games beyond the [storytelling] aspect?”

This, I’m sure, is a question that game critics will battle throughout the existence of the medium. Since movies contain a visual component in addition to story and character development, perhaps it would be more telling to first analyze what makes a noteworthy film, or rather, a film that critics believe is impactful.

woww1861280x10241366Wy4O07 300x240 Analyzing Video Games on the Basis of Film and Literary Criticism (Part 1 of 2)


“Analyzing Video Games on the Basis of Film and Literary Criticism (Part 2 of 2)”

This post tackles the question, “A problem with the industry gaining such respect is how do you declare what is meaningful out of games beyond the [storytelling] aspect?”

western canon 197x300 Analyzing Video Games on the Basis of Film and Literary Criticism (Part 2 of 2)


“Lollipop Chainsaw Review (PS3)”

Suda 51 is known for making the gaming equivalent of campy b-movies that you really either enjoy for the goofy experience or avoid altogether for the general crudeness of the design and humor.  See what we think of Lollipop Chainsaw.

highres screenshot 00011 300x199 Lollipop Chainsaw Review (PS3)


“Want to Learn a Thing or Two about Swordfighting? Donate to Kickstarter THIS Weekend!”

If you, too, believe it’s time for a revolution of how swordfighting is portrayed in video games, you may be interested in this idea for a game.

icons 48x300 Want to Learn a Thing or Two about Swordfighting?  Donate to Kickstarter THIS Weekend!


“Chilean Game Company Needs Investors – Creating an Audio-Based Game for the Blind”

On KitGuru, we have shed light upon video games for an array of audiences, including the 10 year old who developed a video game for his blind grandmother and the organizationthat reviews video games for the deaf and hard of hearing for playability (since some games are virtually impossible for deaf gamers to play due their basis in audio cues).  Here is a company that’s making waves among a specific segment of gamers – the blind.

logo chico 300x300 Chilean Game Company Needs Investors – Creating an Audio Based Game for the Blind


“Update on the Angry Video Game Nerd's Full-Length Movie”

AVGN’s fans really showed their support for his film, investing over 4 times the initial goal on IndieGoGo, making his project the 2nd highest online, fan-funded film EVER!

avgn 300x225 Update on the Angry Video Game Nerd’s Full Length Movie

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