Home / Software & Gaming / You can now try Origin Access for free with 7 day trial

You can now try Origin Access for free with 7 day trial

While EA Access has been well established on Xbox One for some time now, it seems that fewer people know about the PC alternative, Origin Access. In an effort to win some people over, Origin Access will be having a free trial, granting users free access to a fairly extensive library of games, which is constantly growing all of the time.

Origin Access normally costs £3.99/$4.99 per month or £20/$40 per year. Usually, a new game release will pop up on the service around 9 months after its initial release, so it packs plenty of value for patient gamers. Those that do choose to buy games at launch get an automatic 10 percent discount and for big releases, EA normally hands out extended 10-hour trial periods. An upcoming example of this would be Mass Effect: Andromeda, which will be playable on EA/Origin Access a week before launch for ten hours. 

Here is the current library of free games in the Access Vault:

  • The Banner Saga.
  • Battlefield 3/4/Hardline.
  • Crysis 1/2/3.
  • Crusader: No Regret/No Remorse.
  • Dead Space 1/2/3.
  • FIFA 15/16.
  • Dragon Age Origins/2/Inquisition.
  • Jade Empire.
  • Mass Effect 1/2/3.
  • Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.
  • Mini Metro.
  • Mirror's Edge 1/Catalyst.
  • Need For Speed and Rivals.
  • Peggle.
  • Plants VS Zombies/ Garden Warfare/ Garden Warfare 2.
  • Sim City/Sim City 2000.
  • The Sims 3.
  • This War of Mine.
  • Torchlight II.
  • Titanfall.
  • Trine/ Trine 2.
  • Unravel.

The current Origin Access trial lasts 7 days and right now, we aren't sure how long it is running for. However, it might be worth testing it out in time for Mass Effect: Andromeda.

KitGuru Says: With Mass Effect: Andromeda coming up next month, it seems obvious that EA is hoping to boost its Origin Access subscriber numbers in time for people to take advantage of the ten-hour trial. Have any of you used EA or Origin Access in the past? I was a long time subscriber on Xbox One but I have yet to dive in on the PC side. That said, I'll probably be signing up in time for Mass Effect's trial next month. 

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  1. Meh, Origin is still a mess and a process hog, I’ll pass.

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