Home / Software & Gaming / UK PS3 owners are missing out on a pretty great sale right now

UK PS3 owners are missing out on a pretty great sale right now

UK and European PS3 owners are missing out on a pretty good sale right now over on the Playstation Store as Sony has launched a three day long “flash sale” bringing the price down on more than 15 decent RPG titles for its US customers including South Park The Stick of Truth, which came out in March this year.

Other games in the sale include Square Enix's recent Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD release, Dark Souls 2 and the popular JRPG, Ni-No-Kuni Wrath of the White Witch:

Flahs Sale

Here's the full list of games and sale prices for our US readers:


The sale will end on Friday the 6th of June at 12PM Pacific time. It's worth noting that the EU Playstation Store is having a May Madness sale which might be worth checking out, although it's missing a few titles from this flash sale.

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KitGuru Says: It's a shame that we are missing out on this sale over here in the UK, I would've gladly bought Final Fantasy X HD this morning along with Tales of Graces F. What do our US readers think of the sale? Any games you'd be tempted to pick up?

Source: Playstation Blog

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