Home / Software & Gaming / Square Enix already has Final Fantasy XV running on PC, but only as a ‘technical experiment’

Square Enix already has Final Fantasy XV running on PC, but only as a ‘technical experiment’

Recently, we heard Final Fantasy XV director, Hajime Tabata talk a bit more about a PC version of the game, mostly for the purposes of really pushing the engine as far as it can go graphically. Now, just over a week later, it seems that an experimental PC version of Final Fantasy XV actually does exist and is running on a dual GTX 1080 machine over at Square Enix.

Final Fantasy XV's graphics are very nice but they are limited by console hardware. This has led Square Enix's Business Division 2 to conduct a series of ‘technical experiments' on visual fidelity using Final Fantasy XV on PC. Dual Shockers was able to confirm that this version of the game is up and running, albeit on an ultra high end system with two GTX 1080 graphics cards running in SLI.

According to the report, things like draw distance, overall detail and vegetation density had been cranked all the way up, creating an “extremely vivid and lifelike” game. Unfortunately, we still don't have any confirmation on plans to release an optimised PC version of Final Fantasy XV and while this in-engine experiment has been described as amazing, some cut backs would likely need to be made in some areas to get the game running acceptably on a wider range of systems.

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KitGuru Says: It is great to hear that a version of Final Fantasy XV is running on a PC out there somewhere, even if it is just intended to be a graphical showpiece. Hopefully these ‘technical experiments' will lead to a full version of the game later down the road, even if graphics need to be dialled back a bit for today's hardware. 

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  1. I think they shouldn’t dial it back a bit for today’s hardware, instead release it at it’s full. Forcing graphics card vendors to need to massively improve their low end hardware.

  2. Or add graphics options? Nothing wrong with a modern day Crysis though; it’s been long enough.

  3. Yep good to see They are pushing the graphics as far as the game engine can go on a PC. Then again are not most of the console games developed on a PC in the first place and then released on the console? Well at least the Xbone ones I would think since the Win OS and Xbone OS are very close to the same.

  4. Yep, if they add a lot of graphics options like draw distance, vegetation quality and etc it should be fine. Of course it wouldn’t hurt to optimize the game engine to increase the performance too, i wonder if they will use DX12..

  5. Yeah but on PC they have to beta test the game in a lot different combinations of CPU/GPU/RAM, it isn’t rare to see some PC ports with compatibility issues with a specific vendor. On consoles this isn’t much of an issue since they only have to test in 3 specific hardwares (Xbox/PS4/PS4Pro), i hope they do an extensive QA testing before releasing the PC version, it wouldn’t hurt to release an beta version similar to “Episode Duscae” so we can beta test and give feedback to them.

  6. I definately think that they should use DX12 or Vulkan given they want to ramp it up as much as possible.

  7. DO NOT compromise on graphics and optimize ONLY for the Titan X. However, make sure to release graphical tweaks so that people with low end systems can also run the game on medium and low. Set the next stage of graphics, and do not compromise. Today’s hardware is stronger than you think! BTW, Dual GTX 1080s is weak, DUAL Titan XPs is what I want to hear!

  8. shut up u titan whore

  9. Ammm most games are developed on PC hardware. Hardly a shocker.
    Getting it to run an a wide array of PC’s, low and high end, with different video and ram configurations, is a different story. Thats why most ports are poop. Its done last minute, with no time to optimize.

  10. Wouldn’t that need a full engine rebuild? Most of the games I’ve seen running that had DX12 tacked onto the engine perform worse than DX11 at this point. Would be cool to see it being the first full fledged DX12 title though.

  11. That’s like saying design roads as if everyone owns a Bugatti Veyron…

    I think however setting the RX 480/GTX 1060 as the entry point would be fair, and could lead to one of the best looking games on the market.

  12. As long as they do not port it because as we all know a port is a terrible terrible idea and never goes well!

    Also a port would mean a pc would have to be a lot more powerful than a normal pc game to compensate I think

  13. They said the game engine (Luminous Studio) supports DX12 when they showed the “Witch Chapter 0” tech demo running on a PC in 2015 so maybe we’ll get a DX12 build. But you’re right, some games run worse when they implemented DX12 but i hope it will be different in this case.

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  15. Mother of god

  16. There are some games that have both that see improvements with DX12, especially Ashes of the Singularity. It all depends on optimisation level. The bad cases are cases where the developer simply used DX11 methods in DX12 rather than actually optimise it. DX12 currently requires more optimisation than DX11 (though that will be somewhat reduced one day as developers learn the best ways to optimise without as much effort).

  17. That makes a lot of sense, cheers.

  18. Wendall Anderson

    I have an MSI GT83VR. Bring it.

  19. The Final Fantasy PC ports are pretty much excellent across the board. A port of the basic FFXV would be perfectly fine for current mid range PCs.

  20. I like some port games. Some good port games are mostly base on JRPG titles like Final Fantasy or Tales series. I have AMD crossfire setup and waiting until they release FFXV for pc if they did.

  21. This. If I can come back to this in five years time and it looks even better because GPU hardware has improved, then that’s good. People will whinge and moan that they max all the sliders and it runs like arse initially, but as long as the issue is not just poor optimisation that’s their problem imo.