Home / Software & Gaming / Fallout 76 hits one million concurrent player milestone

Fallout 76 hits one million concurrent player milestone

Fallout 76 got off to a spectacularly poor start, but after years of updates, the game is in a much better place nowadays. We've already heard extensively about the effect that the Fallout TV series has had on the playercounts for all games in the series. However, it would seem that Fallout 76 is doing particularly well, garnering over one million concurrent players. 

Fallout 76 has now reached a new peak high, with over one million people playing the game in a day earlier this week. Bethesda has confirmed the milestone, which includes crossplatform numbers from console and PC.

Fallout 76 first launched in 2018 but the game's lack of NPCs and somewhat barren world, alongside a slew of bugs at launch, meant that many quickly jumped off and did not return. As a result, the game ultimately under-performed and was swiftly being sold at discount prices.

Over time, Bethesda has populated Fallout 76 with NPCs, settlements, new quests and more. Beyond that, it has one of the friendlier player-bases in gaming, with many veterans often helping out new players by kitting them out with gear to take on the wasteland. The PvP battles that Bethesda originally envisioned for this game rarely take place, although with more players now joining the game, we expect that may change a bit.

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KitGuru Says: Have you jumped back into Fallout 76 at all over the last couple of weeks? Has the game improved enough to sustain a big playerbase? 

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