Dedicated to the cause, when we realised that the Multiplay was still rocking at 110% effort past midnight, we thought “The least we can do is capture this work for posterity”. Hard work by the Multiplay crew, snaps by Team Lazy.
Preparing for the arrival of around 5,000 people for a party takes some doing. It also takes some cable, some electricity and some man/girl-power.
It also takes a lot of energy drinks, ice cream and other anti-diabetic ingestions.
If we tell you that for Multiplay i49, there are EIGHTEEN THOUSAND portions of ice cream ready to be sole, you'll get an idea of the scale of this event.
First up, here's a shot from Facebook of Yvonne and Tom Fletcher stocking the tuck shop:-






KitGuru says: These events cost money, blood, sweat and tears – but that's why they have been working so well for over 16 years. More power to them (and more visitors come i50 in November).
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