Rather than the limited convenience of a convenience store, the modern supermarket aims to sell you everything you need, under one roof, including the petrol you need to drive there and back.
We're used to it. So how different does the shelf need to be, before KitGuru spies feel compelled to pull out a camera?
In the year that Avatar was released and tool its billion dollars, a shoot-em-up game was released which achieved the same kind of numbers.
That game was Call of Duty: Black Ops.
It sold seven million copies inside 24 hours of release.
Can the next version do better?
Well, if it is going to do better, then it will need to get out of bed pretty soon.
And it has.
But where?

KitGuru says: Every gamers shopping list should include Diet Coke, Heinz Baked Beans, Haribo and Modern Warfare 3. Wonder if Tesco, Asda and Morrisons will launch a (cheese) counter strike of their own?
Comment below or in the KitGuru forums.
Our local store does this all the time. A new game or piece of hardware is out, and they display it behind a nortons antivirus stand or something useless.
maybe you can shot pigs in it? like the bonus zombie attack in the previous game? :p
our local store had a stand once of a barbie game next to Serious sam. everyone was talking about it. pictures even in the local paper!