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Kid gets Xbox One because of ‘reasons,’ posts videos

Would you be excited if you managed to get hold of an Xbox One today, over a month before the official release date? I would be and I'm not even planning to buy one. With that in mind, you can understand why the kid in this video is pretty excited to have a look at Microsoft's next-gen system thanks to his “reasons.”


I wonder if that half-mirror surface on the One will be his downfall. There's some obvious reflections of the room he's in. Something tells me a Microsoft PI is going over that with a fine toothed comb. 

In the video above he talks us through some of the components that come with the Xbox One, like the headset with its “logo on the shiny bit,” and “we got this, with minus, uh, take away,” when discussing the volume control for said headset. He does however confirm that the wireless controller for the console, does come with batteries – so no permanent reliance on a recharge pack.

He goes on to show us (almost his face, reflected in the Kinect – be careful kid) the Xbox One console panels, the Kinect camera's protective stickers and the cables/power pack. It's not the most detailed video, but it does go on to tell us that he's also going to be getting some Xbox One games and plans to show gameplay footage very soon.

This isn't the first video he's put up though, with a previous one that shows off the Xbox One controller and headset a little better, even if he does love mentioning that shiny One logo on the side of the latter.


KitGuru Says: While I don't think we'll be giving this kid a job as a reviewer any time soon, it's cool to see the Xbox One up close this long before release. If this isn't a publicity stunt by Microsoft (and it seems unlikely that it is), then it”ll be interesting to see what, if anything, happens because of this leak. Presumably a head or two will roll from somewhere.

What's surprising though, is you'd think whoever gave this kid the One, they'd be wary enough to make it quite clear that he shouldn't upload videos showing it. Chances are, their livelihood relies on nobody knowing they're handing out One's to people, whether related or not. Even if no one finds out who made these videos, I'm reckoning a grounding is coming his way soon.

[Thanks AGB]

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One comment

  1. tfw still needs batteries