Dirt Showdown is the latest title in the franchise from Codemasters, based around the famous Colin McRae racing game series, although it no longer uses his name, since he passed away in 2007.
We configured the game at the ULTRA preset with a 1080p resolution and 8x MSAA.
These results show a perfectly playable experience at these settings, averaging almost 50 frames per second. Minimum frame rates hold above 30 at all times.
Its nothing special really. seems to be well routed and a nice build, but its rather dull IMO.
Good selection of components throughout, shame about the case though, I hate xigmatek fans, they are always so loud. I had to replace several for a friend as they made such a racket. I would have prefered to see a corsair case and cooler rather than xigmatek. forget the monitor. hopefully they allow some adaptions of the core build with better cooling, lower noise.